110-year-old woman from India wins battle against COVID-19

110-year-old woman from India wins battle against COVID-19

A 110-year-old Indian woman named Siddamma has survived the coronavirus.
A hospital in Chitradurga in southern India discharged her on August 1st after she tested negative twice in 24 hours.
The woman, from a nearby village, showed mild symptoms on July 27th and was shifted immediately to the hospital. Doctors said she had recovered well and was fit to go home.
Speaking to reporters, Siddamma, said she was terrified when she was taken away from her family in an ambulance to a hospital where everyone wore masks and gave her medicines every few hours.
“The doctors were nice but I did not like the rice gruel they gave there,” she said a little overwhelmed with the attention focussed on her.
Siddamma said she wass happy to get back to her grandchildren and her regular diet: soft balls made of finger millet, a local cereal, which she dips in vegetable stew and swallows.
