Birju's story: wildfilmsindia got him an artificial leg and a new life

Birju's story: wildfilmsindia got him an artificial leg and a new life

We at wildfilmsindia observe the world around us with a different lens, in more ways than one. In one such instance, we found a way to better an individual’s life. We would like to share this satisfying tale with you… Here, we met Birju. He sat perched uneasily on a khatia or village charpoy by the road-side, selling his wares. Over time, we noticed that he never moved from his perch as he had lost a leg and most of one arm as well. He got up just once to help one of our crew members as she was drafted by his family to bathe the children of all the adjacent hutments! Birju is a 26 year old man who lost his leg at the age of 7 due to an electric shock. He and his family live and work by this Delhi road, and everyone rallied around Birju as he has limited mobility, despite an active mind and a full workday. Birju is still a young man but he suffered an early misfortune in life that would forever label him an invalid. With that in mind, Wildfilmsindia decided to help Birju maintain his spark. Arrangements were made, appointments booked and transportation organized. Birju was now going to go to the Jaipur Foot Foundation establishment in Delhi to get a consultation that could potentially result in a new life for him. Neither he nor his family could believe it! Our chance meeting with him may just have been his luckiest moment yet… Two visits to the Bhagwan Mahavir Viklang Sahayata Samiti better known as the Jaipur Foot Foundation were made. During the first day, specialists took measurements of Birju’s stump and discussed the possibility of making him a prosthetic limb, which could help him regain a normal lifestyle. There were doubts. His leg was weak and the muscles had wasted away. He had used to a life spent on one foot… Would the prosthetic limb work? Would it be supported by his muscle-dystrophied limb? The second visit was an emotional one. After a 3-hour long appointment, this 26 years old man finally had a new leg! His eyes lit up, his posture changed and his self-esteem grew as he walked out without the label of a handicap attached to him, thanks to the help and generosity of the Jaipur Foot Foundation - a non-profit organisation set up in 1975 that serves the physically handicapped. This organisation provides assistance such as artificial limbs, ambulatory aids like wheelchairs and hand paddled tricycles, completely free of charge, to those who have lost a limb due to injury or disease. Birju has now returned to his shanty on the outskirts of Delhi and continues to run his family trade. People may not notice him on the streets but those who know Birju can see him holding his head high, with a new smile on his face. This is the inspiring story of a man who chose not to give up, but to live his life to the fullest, regardless of handicaps and limitations, embracing both highs and lows and taking on life’s challenges as they come… with confidence and self-respect… This footage is part of the broadcast stock footage archive of Wilder
