Buenos Aires COVID sceptics burn face masks in controversial protest

Buenos Aires COVID sceptics burn face masks in controversial protest

A group of controversial protesters against coronavirus restrictions BURNED face masks near the Buenos Aires Obelisco in Argentina on September 6.
Footage shows a group of people throw their masks into a small pot and set them on fire shouting, “Burn face coverings.”
After the video went viral in Argentina, Foreign Minister Felipe Solá said in a Twitter post: "Burning masks and exhorting to burn them is primitive, self-destructive and petty. It puts others at risk, and it is a lack of respect for health personnel who risk their lives every day."
President of the Argentine Society of Intensive Care (SATI), Dr. Rosa Reina, warned the health situation at national level is critical and called on society to act with greater responsibility to stop the contagion of coronavirus.
"This is not the time to get together to have a party," said Reina after the national government authorized outdoor meetings of up to 10 people and the City of Buenos Aires made progress in opening bars and restaurants to encourage gatherings in times of pandemic.
