Five terrorists have been killed in the last 24 hours in Jammu and Kashmir’s Anantnag district. The police said that Two terrorists were killed in an encounter in the Waghama area of Anantnag today. The Shiv Sena on Tuesday said people were fed up of the war of words between the BJP and Congress over the border stand-off with China, and that the government should focus on handling the row with the neighbouring country and the coronavirus crisis. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today that a key government scheme to distribute free food grains to 80 crore people, India’s poorest, would be extended to November to give relief during the festival season as the country fights coronavirus. With Assembly polls due in Bengal next year, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today outstripped Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s promise to provide free grains to people till Chhath Puja – usually held in November.
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