Life Untitled Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In a shop on the fourth floor of a building, in a flashy room, female escorts are waiting for calls from customers. Kanou, who has just entered the shop, recalls “The Tortoise and the Hare”, which she played in primary school. Everyone is crazy about the cute rabbit, and indifferent to the slow and steady tortoise.
This is the directorial debut of Kana Yamada, adapting her own stage play. Sairi Ito (Love & Other Cults, Asako I & II) stars are the protagonist, Kanou, and the film also features Yuri Tsunematsu (Before We Vanish), Aimi Satsukawa (Himeanole), Kokoro Morita (Ice Cream and the Sound of Raindrops) and Reiko Kataoka (Hush).