Man taught a lesson by girl for eve-teasing, in Lucknow

Man taught a lesson by girl for eve-teasing, in Lucknow

The city of Lucknow has once again come in the news because of how girls stand up against eve-teasing and harassment of women. A teenage girl beats man for eve teasing. The man ended up getting thrashed in front of the entire public. A transcription of the shouting match: Girl: She keeps on repeating in anger – You haven’t done anything? Boy: You can beat me more but I swear that I haven’t done anything. Girl: Now you are calling me your daughter, don’t you have a family of your own? Tell us the truth or I’ll teach you the lesson. Boy: (Keeps on crying and ask for forgiveness.) Girl: Tell us what you have done or I’ll beat you with my slippers. Boy: (He cries and begs her to not do any such thing in front of the crowd.) Girl: (Shouts) Tell us what untruth you have spread about our relationship in the entire village! The girl asks the boy to stand up and speak loudly of his defense. Girl: Why did you accuse of me of being your girlfriend, to the entire locality? The boy denies the accusation. The girl slaps him and asks him to not tell lies. “Tell me why you are accusing me of being your girlfriend!” She continues to slap him again and she asks him to tell her if you he had said this or not. Boy: I didn’t think of this. Boy: I would die of shame, please let me go. Girl: Die if you have not thought about it, you can seriously die now and I won’t get affected. Girl: (screams) Tell me why you lied about us! Boy: Sister, please let me go, I am mad. Just forgive me and let me go. Boy: I was not here. I didn’t know what happened. Girl: She slaps and asks me “Weren’t you over here last night at 9 pm?” Boy: I was not here, seriously - I was near Alambagh. Boy 2: He interrupts the conversation to explain the situation. Boy 2: One minute - we are saving you for quite long because of your family background but still you are lying. Boy 2: It’s just that we all know you from the past 12 years and are aware of your indecent behavior. Tell us how many people you have told that we have a relationship going on. Kindly listen, everyone - this guy accused me of having a relationship with him and now we have a fight and this girl is protesting for the same reason. Finally from this continues mental abuse the girl tells about this incident to her mother. You have to be aware of the fact that this guy is our neighbour only. If our girls are not safe in our locality then we have to ask ourselves what kind of society we are building. See we know where you went and what kind of people you meet. Simply tell us the truth. Girl: Tell us where did you go with this lie that you are telling about us? Lucknow is the capital city of Uttar Pradesh and it has always been a multicultural city. Courtly manners, beautiful gardens, poetry, music, and fine cuisine patronized by the Persian-loving Shia Nawabs of the city are well known amongst Indians and students of South Asian culture and history. Lucknow is popularly known as the The City of Nawabs.It is also known as the Golden City
