Mark Zuckerberg Tells Fauci He’s ‘Disappointed’ by U.S. on Covid-19

Mark Zuckerberg Tells Fauci He’s ‘Disappointed’ by U.S. on Covid-19

Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg said he was disappointed in the government’s response to the coronavirus, in particular in the undermining of advice from scientists about public-health measures like mask-wearing and failures of mass testing to control the spread of the disease.
“It’s really disappointing that we don’t have adequate testing, that the credibility of top scientists and the CDC are being questioned,” Zuckerberg said in an interview with Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert. “I strongly agree that we need something of a reset here.”
Zuckerberg and Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease, are speaking live on the CEO’s Facebook page. The executive has been doing a series of interviews with scientists as part of an effort to provide verifiable information to Facebook’s users.
Fauci said many states rushed too quickly to reopen without bringing the virus adequately under control, leading to the resurgence in states across the U.S. south and west.
“We’ve got to regroup, call a time out,” Fauci said.
