Principles of Gandhi important for saving Constitution: CM Ashok Gehlot

Principles of Gandhi important for saving Constitution: CM Ashok Gehlot

Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot, said that the objective of programs organised to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi is to associate a large number of common people with these events to spread the message of truth, non-violence and peace to the new generation.
The CM was presiding over the meeting of the Department of Arts, Literature, Culture and Archeology regarding the 150th birth anniversary programs of Mahatma Gandhi.
CM Gehlot stressed that to protect the Constitution, the atmosphere should be maintained by propagating the principles of Mahatma Gandhi.
During the meeting, the Chief Minister said that we will have to bring Mahatma Gandhi’s ideas to the people by bringing more and more people, thinkers, experts and institutions together. It would not be enough to organise only a few seminars or events, so the Jubilee year programs have been extended for one year, so that such events can go on continuously.
He said that in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, such programs should be conducted on monthly and fortnightly intervals through webinars and participation of maximum people should be ensured in them.
He also instructed the concerned officers to prepare for organising a global conclave on Mahatma Gandhi through video conference.

Rajasthan,Congress,Mahatma Gandhi