Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has been asked to vacate her government bungalow in Delhi by August 1. A government notice said today that her allotment stands cancelled from today. In a letter, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has asked Priyanka Gandhi to exit the bungalow on Lodhi Road in one of the most protected zones of Delhi as she no longer has Special Protection Group security. After 59 Chinese apps were blocked by the Government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Weibo account went blank on Wednesday. The PM’s profile photo, posts and comments have been removed from the Twitter-like account, but after some back-and-forth. Sources said PM Modi had 115 posts on Weibo, which had to be manually deleted because of a complex procedure for VIP accounts on China’s largest microblogging site. Patanjali Ayurved’s Swasari Coronil kit, controversially launched as a coronavirus cure and being investigated by government medical experts, will be available across the country, Yoga teacher Ramdev said today, claiming there was no restriction on selling the kit for COVID-19 "management" and more news