Return of the Daily Briefings: Policy or Politics? - Subtitled

Return of the Daily Briefings: Policy or Politics? - Subtitled

NAT POP- Trump Press Conference
The President’s coronavirus press briefings were a network staple in the early days of the pandemic until they came to an abrupt end at the end of April.
Now the briefings are back with President Trump at the helm, and observers have noticed a distinct change in tone from the President.
SOT Trump Briefing
0.17 "It will probably get worse before it gets better, something I don’t like saying but that’s the way it is."
This renewal of the daily briefings relates as much to the President’s reelection chances in November as it does to the worsening state of the pandemic.
As he slips in the polls, the administration has changed tactics.
But some say, this is too little, too late.
Matt McDermott, VP Whitmann Strategies
0.40 "There’s nothing much that Donald Trump can say to the average voter that will really change their opinion on him as a President, and this election is a referendum on that Presidency."
Others say, the change in direction is about controlling the narrative. The return of the briefings mean that once again, the President is dominating the headlines.
Matt Klink GOP Strategist
1.00 "it’s a challenge for Joe Biden to insert himself into the news cycle and to drive coverage."
"While the press talks about a White House in dissarray, Donald Trump sucks all the air out of the room and dominates the media coverage."
With just under a hundred days to the election, party strategists suggest the race will be more competitive than the polls indicate and maybe this increased visibility will help to close the gaps.
Lawrence Tabas, GOP Chairman PA
1.27 "Over the years, the distrust for the media reporting amongst the Republicans and amongst Trump supporters is such that they just don’t trust the polls."

Coronavirus,Covid-19,Daily Briefing