Sonic runs around making references. Meanwhile, Tails almost kills himself and Eggman fails women everywhere. Please support us on Patreon and help get more episodes out:
Xonic S Episode 1: "Fuzz Fight!! Sonic 3 & No One"
Written and Edited by: KyoSo
Script Editor: RecD
NezumiVA as Sonic the Hedgehog / Officer 2 / "Next Time" Announcer
Time8th as Lord Robotnik / Fast Flenderson / Trucker
DrawnActor as Chēsit Etz Thufuz / Officer 4 / Chief
BobcatXtreme as Knuckles / Officers 3 and 5 / Driver / James
Jacks as Amy / Marine / Jessie / Computer Voice
N0sSyndrome as Chris Sĕlfĕnzĕrt
Hieifireshadow as Miles “Tails” Prower
Naku as Cream the Rabbit
SooperTanzy as Cheese the Chao
Xonic S Logo by: halo