Trump campaign reaches 100M voters as team Biden avoids door knocks

Trump campaign reaches 100M voters as team Biden avoids door knocks

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WASHINGTON — President Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee passed an enormous milestone this week — making contact with their 100 millionth voter through door knocking and phone banking. The RNC says it has knocked on the doors of 12 million potential voters in battleground states since mid-June — that’s around 1 million a week — while the Biden campaign has knocked on zero. The wildly different door-to-door strategies could make all the difference in races up and down the ballot in states like New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Michigan, which were won by razor-thin margins in 2016. RNC chief of staff Richard Walters told The Post that the Biden campaign was assuming people in must-win states would vote for them and revealed the unlikely inspiration for the RNC’s enormous field operation: Barack Obama. The GOP operative said it was “mind-blowing” that Biden wasn’t using the same strategy that got him into the vice president’s mansion.“We are not secretive about our strategy when it comes to our field program. We copied Barack Obama, ” Walters said.“People made fun of him in 2012 for being a community organizer, but he organized himself into a second term. It’s interesting to me that Biden, who was on the winning ticket in 2008 and 2012 and was elected based on this strategy, has decided to forgo that strategy, ” he continued.“We saw it work for Obama in 2012 and we saw it work for us in 2016. It’s mind-blowing that Biden isn’t doing it. ”The Trump campaign has deployed 2, 000 hired staff in 22 target states and has trained another 2 million volunteers. They hope to beat Obama’s 2. 2 million record before the November election. Walters said staffers were required to read the book “Groundbreakers: How Obama’s 2. 2 Million Volunteers Transformed Campaigning in America, ” which analyzes the former president’s winning field strategy in 2008 and 2012. Volunteers reached their 100 millionth voter this week in North Carolina, a number three times larger than their 2016 effort. The DNC and the Biden camp have forgone door knocking, blaming the pandemic, and expressed confidence in their decision to reach voters through phone calls or texts.
All data is taken from the source:
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