Tucker Carlson – September 3, 2020 Fox News HD

Tucker Carlson – September 3, 2020 Fox News HD

Tucker Carlson: Biden campaign ‘surely’ benefiting from Antifa, website connection
Joe Biden’s campaign likely didn’t set up an internet connection between the campaign’s website and the address antifa.com – but the connection probably isn’t hurting Biden.
Kamala Harris condemns riots weeks after promoting bail fund for rioters
The contrast between Joe Biden’s visit to Kenosha, Wis., Thursday and President Trump’s visit Tuesday couldn’t have been greater.
The decision this week by the full U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia overriding a three-judge panel’s ruling that would have allowed criminal charges against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to be dismissed was flawed, but not unexpected.
After refusing to condemn violence and rioting in U.S. cities, Joe Biden and Democrats are now claiming to support law and order — because polls tell them lawlessness is unpopular.
Tucker Carlson – September 3, 2020
Fox News HD
