Ever since actor Sushant Singh Rajput was found hanging at his home, netizens have been vocally expressing their views on the tragedy, #Justiceforsushant has been trending all these months, showing how concerned people are about the case. Yet Bollywood has strangely been quiet. In an recent interview, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai star Shilpa Raizada asks Bollywood an important question, "I just want justice for him. Why is Bollywood quiet now? Nobody is saying a single word for his life, otherwise they are always active on social media. Be it an elephant attack or anything else, they speak on anything and everything. But no one raised their voice here. It’s really sad." Shilpa shared that she recently watched Sushant’s last film Dil Bechara and said that people should have appreciated him before his death, like they are doing now.