Bubonic Plague Case Identified in China

Bubonic Plague Case Identified in China

After COVID-19, the world may now have to be worried about COVID-19. On 7th June, China confirmed a case of bubonic plague in Bayannur which is in the Inner Mongolia region. Bubonic Plague is not a new disease but it has no treatment. In the 14th century, it killed around 50 million people in Europe. The Bubonic Plague has caused the most dangerous pandemics in history. In China’s Inner Mongolia region a city is on high alert. The case was first discovered in the city of Bayannur. By 6th June the local authorities had issued a citywide Level 3 warning for plague prevention. There are 4 levels of warning. Level 3 is the second lowest. The warning will continue until the end of the year. The patient is isolated and treated in hospital and is stable.

deaf,Newzhook,H3 World