Parrot narrowly avoids being garroted by kite string during daring rescue in India

Parrot narrowly avoids being garroted by kite string during daring rescue in India

A parrot was trapped by an abandoned kite string on top of a 90-feet-tall tree in Pune in Western India.
The poor bird had tried to free itself but was unable to cut through the tough glass-coated string. In its desperation to free itself it had bitten off the bark of the branch where it was trapped.
As the bird struggled to free itself, the string had tightened like a noose around its neck, strangling it.
Residents of an apartment close to the tree saw the plight of the bird and made a call to animal rescuer Saidas Kusal, who went there with his friends, to free the bird.
The bird was trapped at a great height on a slender branch making it impossible for anyone to climb the tree.
So, Saidas and friends went to the terrace of a nearby six-story apartment, and tried to free the bird from there.
They took a long pole and tied a knife to one end of it. Holding the other end they managed to cut off the branch and retrieve it along with the bird.
Saidas said: “It was a delicate job as we had to cut the branch and then get it back to the terrace. If we had let the branch fall to the ground, the bird would have been killed.”
The rescue team carefully untangled the string from the neck of the parrot and found that it had not suffered any serious injury. They gave it water and kept it under observation for sometime in a cage and then set it free.
“Glass-coated kite strings are banned but people still use them. Government should enforce the ban to prevent these incidents,” said Saidas.
The footage is from November 1, 2019.
