熊貓堂 ProducePandas【Na Na Na】舞蹈版 (Dance ver.)

熊貓堂 ProducePandas【Na Na Na】舞蹈版 (Dance ver.)

亞洲“XXL”男團「熊貓堂Produce Pandas」
20.08.11全新單曲《Na Na Na》
打破地域界限 音樂魔力slay全場
7月28日憑藉首支單曲《辣辣辣》正式出道的亞洲“XXL”男團「熊貓堂Produce Pandas」。熊貓堂五位成員:陳鼎鼎、崔雲峰、七哈、十七君、卡斯,以新人之姿,用他們超重量的音樂潛能和超“熱量”的唱跳實力,打破了工業“造星”標準,自《辣辣辣》出道單曲發佈首周,「熊貓堂」五位成員們,天生自帶的反差萌與健康活力的音樂個性,讓他們在全球多個音樂平台分別贏得逾百萬級關注度與視聽量,更讓海外數十個國家的粉絲持續線上為「熊貓堂」熱情“打CALL”。
做唱跳男團,「熊貓堂」是認真的,想要“乘風破浪”,更不會 “浪得虛名”!8月11日,亞洲“XXL”男團「熊貓堂Produce Pandas」趁熱再度發表《辣辣辣》的國際版單曲《Na Na Na》,從鮮辣爽麻,充滿濃郁的成都特色的《辣辣辣》,到這首全新演繹,全新升級的《Na Na Na》,寓意「熊貓堂Produce Pandas」對音樂之路最美好的期許:就像人見人愛的中華“國寶”大熊貓一樣,「熊貓堂」的五位成員們將用魅力四射的音樂和舞蹈,打破地域與語言的隔閡,讓這世界上的每一個人感受到他們的熱情與活力。
熊貓堂 ProducePandas【Na Na Na】
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Na Na Na
OC:Justin Reinstein, Woo Min Lee "collapsedone"
OA:Justin Reinstein, Woo Min Lee "collapsedone"
陳鼎鼎:You know you want it
So come and get it
合:Yeah we’re big and everybody’s favorite Teddy’s
十七君:And we’re foodies, but ain’t greedy
合:Still super-size it oh super-size it
合:Food courts at the mall mall mall
Yes oh yes we love it all
卡斯:We don’t play dumb
We know what we want yeah
合:Woo let’s get that ハンバーガー
Eat it eat it Rawr Rawr Rawr
七哈:Love it in our XXL’s now
崔雲峰:If you wanna hang better have respect
Better recognize that you’re dealing with the best
十七君+陳鼎鼎:Cause G-E-E-Z
We got Dig-Ni-Ty
So if you don’t get it you’ll get our swift goodbye
七哈+卡斯:Realize this power
Ready to make you sway
合:We got you saying Na Na Na
You better recognize me
We’re your favorite luxuries
Na Na Na
Oh we’re so okay
We so okay
Leave it all Leave it all
Leave it all just leave it all
Bala Bala Bala Bala Yeah we ain’t got no time if you don’t abide
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
合:Food courts at the mall mall mall
Yes oh yes we love it all
陳鼎鼎:We don’t play dumb
We know what we want yeah
合:Woo let’s get that ハンバーガー
Eat it eat it
Rawr Rawr Rawr
七哈:Love it in our XXL’s Now
崔雲峰:If you wanna hang better have respect
Better recognize that you’re dealing with the best
十七君+陳鼎鼎:Cause G-E-E-Z
We got Dig-Ni-Ty
So if you don’t get it you’ll get our swift goodbye
七哈+卡斯:Realize this power
Ready to make you sway
合:We got you saying Na Na Na
崔雲峰:You better recognize me
We’re your favorite luxuries
合:Na Na Na
Oh we’re so okay
We so okay
Leave it all Leave it all
Leave it all just leave it all
Bala Bala Bala Bala Yeah we ain’t got no time if you don’t abide
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
七哈:Want to be mine you better decide
Learn to fine dine
Yeah don’t fall behind
卡斯:And you will join us for every adventure
We’ll show you paradise hands out let’s go soar
十七君:You’re ready now DM me
It’s time to be a foody
崔雲峰:You better show me tonight
陳鼎鼎:You better show me tonight
合:We got you saying Na Na Na
You better recognize me
We’re your favorite luxuries
Na Na Na
Oh we’re so okay
We so okay
Leave it all Leave it all
Leave it all just leave it all
Bala Bala Bala Bala Yeah we ain’t got no time if you don’t abide
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

熊貓堂,ProducePandas,Na Na Na