Work is on at fever pitch at the Ram Janmabhoomi site ahead of the bhoomi pujan ceremony on August 5 which will be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and 175 other guests. We took a tour of the site ahead of the ceremony to look at the arrangements being done.The undulating patch of land at the Ram Janmabhoomi site, that had unregulated growth of vegetation due to years of restrictions laid down by the Supreme Court, has been cleared with earthmovers. The work is going on at full pace even through the night. A large shamiana (tent) has been erected at the site of the bhoomi pujan with adequate rain proofing to ensure that monsoon showers do not cause any disruption. One segment of the covered zone has been earmarked for the bhoomi pujan with a square patch measuring little over 400 square feet. The square area has been demarcated by 9 poles on which a tent with bright saffron fabric has been erected. watch to find ou more.