Television actor Ravi Dubey, who began his acting career with DD National show Stree, became a household name with his performance as the lead actor in the family dramas Jamai Raja. Recently, Ravi opened up and said it is not easy for television actors to make it big in Bollywood. Many small screen stars have made their Bollywood debut, like Hina Khan, Karan Singh Grover, Sanaya Irani, Manish Paul and many more. Talking about the transition of a TV actor into a Bollywood, Ravi says, “It’s not easy, because there are times certain myopic viewpoints and preconceived notions come into play. But these notions will soon evaporate.” Further Ravi feels that entertainment industry need repair. Meanwhile, Ravi recently penned a poem titled Aankde, which translates to numbers. The poem is a comment on the industry’s obsession with box office numbers.