Sushant Singh Rajput’s last film released on Disney+ Hotstar on July 24. Watching Sushant’s performance was hard for his fans and loved ones knowing that they were watching it for the last time. Same were the emotions of Sushant’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty who wrote a heart felt note on Instagram. The caption reads, “It will take every ounce of strength in me to watch you. You are here with me , I know you are ….I will celebrate you and your love, The Hero of my life ..I know you will be watching this with us.” A few days ago, Rhea had come forward to demand CBI inquiry in the case. She wrote to Home Minister Amit Shah, “I request you with folded hands to initiate a CBI enquiry into this matter . I only want to understand what pressures prompted Sushant to take this step.” Rhea and Sushant were dating for quite some time now. Though neither of them accepted their relationship in public, but their pictures from vacations and romantic dates used to go viral.