Thai nightclub uses live stream virtual parties amid Covid-19 pandemic

Thai nightclub uses live stream virtual parties amid Covid-19 pandemic

A Thai nightclub is using live streams to keep customers entertained during the coronavirus pandemic.
Bosses at ‘The Pimp’ in Bangkok said that even though lockdown measures have been lifted, they are still staying closed and using ‘virtual’ parties.
There have been no cases of the Covid-19 virus in Thailand for almost two months but fears of a second wave were raised this week when a visiting Egyptian soldier tested positive as well as the daughter of a Sudanese diplomat.
Both had been walking around public buildings instead of undergoing self-quarantine at their properties.
Thai military leader Prayut Chan-o-cha apologised for the blunder - which threatened to scupper the country’s Covid ‘clean sheet’ of no local transmissions.
The prime minister said the incident should not have happened. "It shows no respect of the rules and a lack of discipline," he said.
Thailand has eased its lockdown but international tourist arrivals remain banned and commercial airlines have no scheduled passenger flights into the country.
